Monday, March 19, 2012

Posture: Upper Back & Shoulders

In this video I have put together some yoga stretches and a couple basic belly dance moves to help you improve your posture, strengthen your shoulders and gain some flexibility in your upper back, and ease tension in your shoulders.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mind Matters: Be Appreciative

What we say to ourselves is the most powerful influence on our lives.

It is so easy to become frustrated with ourselves and our circumstances. Nothing is ever quite what we want it to be. Becoming consumed with the negative is easy to do but is so harmful to us in so many ways. When we focus on the things that are wrong with ourselves, with others, with our lives, we limit our potential.

Ask yourself, what would you be capable of without these negative thoughts?

What if you were able to wake up every day and be thankful for who you are and what you have?

Here is a good exercise that helped me to be more appreciative:

Every day, for a week, write down at least 10 things that you are appreciative for. They can be really simple, such as, I am breathing, or, my limbs work. They can be simple, profound, funny, deep, anything you want. You will find that every day you start finding more things to be thankful for.

Try and concentrate on all the things you are appreciative for every day for a month. You will find that by the time a month is up you have reprogrammed your brain to be more positive.

This works if you tend to be overly self critical or if you get depressed easily when you try to accomplish something.

Being appreciative for what you have is the healthiest way to gain more.
